Join us in Area 51 Beale Street!

Code of Conduct

This is the Code of Conduct for the Memphis in 2023 bid. We expect all people acting on behalf of Memphis in any venue to abide by both the Code of Conduct of whatever venue they're in as well as ours. Violations of our Code of Conduct may carry penalties ranging from getting spoken to by bid personnel through making public apologies and being permanently removed from the Committee. Please note that Memphis in 2023 reserves the right to also deny Attending Membership purchases to persistent or egregious violators of the bid Code of Conduct who were on the Committee.

While this document represents our Code of Conduct for the bid, we are working on a Code of Conduct for the convention as well. The principles will remain the same, but a larger event requires a more complicated document.

  1. Treat all people with respect for their essential humanity. Do not use language that is derogatory of any person or their qualities (e.g., race, religion, gender, sexuality, economic class, national origin, physical disabilities, mental capacity, neurodivergence, etc.). Note that discussion of issues around these areas is not necessarily inherently derogatory, nor is discussion of the systemic effects of laws and/or social mores about these qualities.
  2. Do not discuss national or international politics while representing the bid. While we respect the rights of all people to hold their own political opinions, given that the current political situation is difficult for many people, we would prefer that these discussions not be held when working official bid functions. If someone else attempts to initiate this conversation while you are working for the bid, disengage or de-escalate. Feel free to blame this policy if you can't get out of it any other way. (Suggested language: "I'm here to represent Memphis in 2023, and would prefer not to have that discussion while I'm working." If you do want to have the discussion, you can add something like "I'd be happy to talk to you about it later, when I'm not working." If people persist or if their questions/comments are actually germane, please direct them to the Bid Chairs.)
  3. Do not physically engage with people without consent.
  4. Do not take videos or photographs of individuals without consent.
  5. If you are asked to stop doing something, stop. If you are told that something is offensive or rude, apologize. If you don't understand why you are being told these things, leave the situation and ask one of the Bid Chairs to explain it to you, or if you're at another event, contact the responsible people at that event.
  6. An apology contains the words "I am sorry for hurting/upsetting/insulting you" and does not contain the words "but" or "if."
  7. Rules lawyering any Code of Conduct is a violation of our Code of Conduct.
  8. Repeated minor violations of any Code of Conduct may be taken as a more major violation of this Code of Conduct.

If you encounter a violation of our Code of Conduct, please contact us as soon as possible. We will take action and make sure to keep you informed of procedings.

This is a living document that can and will be updated periodically. All changes will be announced so bid committee members and the public can review them.

Memphis in ‘23